BANANAS archive


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Headlines archive
The front page headline stories from past issues
The comment page from past issues.
George W. Bush - what does the "W" stand for?  We know!
Question Time - asking the question about Queston Time's questions!
Iain Duncan-Smith - a great politician or just another bald-headed leader of the Consevatives?
Gordon Brown discusses his TWAT!
John Prescott - on the advantages of owning two Jags!
Tony Blair discusses his election victory and Jordan gets her policies out!
Entertainment archive
Television archive
Richard and Judy  - are they a national institution, or do they belong in one? here
Your Bananas TV guide for last November! here
Your Bananas TV guide for last January! here
Get Your Stats Out! Our reporter interviews Carol Vorderman, will she dazzle us with her stats? Click here to find out!
Music Archive
The Michael Jackson Interview
Is Jacko really mad, bad and dangerous, or just an harmless, misunderstood eccentric, with an interest in young chimps?  Find out here
"We Could Have Been The Beatles!"
Did a binman from Liverpool write most of the Beatles' songs? here
The Christmas Number One - What's All the Fucking Fuss?
War with Iraq, the Cherie Blair scandal, none were more important than what will be the Christmas number one record! here
Film, music and video reviews from past issues
Interview With A Sadistic Bitch - MistressX gives a whole new meaning to potty training!
Art archive
 A Load Of Bollocks - Are the paintings of artist Jason Bollocks, or not?
Every month Dr Mal probes different areas (but enough about Dr Mal's sex life!)
All your medical and personal problems answered by our mad, bad and let's face it downright dangerous, resident doctor (of what we're not quite sure!)
The Bangkok Ping-Pong Ball Championships - Ping-Pong with a difference in Thailand strip clubs!
Weird News archive
The Mayor Witch Project - a diary found in the woods revealed a sinister story about three students lost in the woods, click here
The Horning - last Halloween our reporter, Wendy Shivers, spent an evening in the haunted Grimacre Manor, did Wendy shiver?  To find out, click here
The Ghosts of Christmas Presents - We sent three of our Weird News reporters to investigate the D. Evil & Son secondhand shop in Hades Street, after reports of sinister deaths that befell customers who bought items there.  Did our reporters live to tell the tale? here
The news for our younger readers from previous issues.
Feast your eyes on our Bananas Bingo girls from past issues!!

The archive will be updated soon!